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Willow Bend Zen logo

Hi there, 
I'm Ariadne Mayz and welcome to Willow Bend Zen. 
I seek to create content that might help others navigate more peacefully on the path to spiritual, mental and emotional awakening.
 I do that through channelled guided meditations, podcast sessions, short documentaries and any other way that fills me with Source. 

I hope you can find something here to help you remember just how magical you are 🤍

Thank you for joining me.

DALL·E 2024-03-02 10.26.21 - Create a visual artwork inspired by a night sky filled with a

Guided Meditation Sessions

Get comfortable, put your earbuds in and prepare to be swept away into the blissful land of slumber and imagination. These sessions are designed to help you awaken to your true potential by discovering your inner strength and light. 

So now, if you're ready...Let's Begin.

Playlists on YouTube

The work I do with Willow Bend Zen is entirely supported by those who sign up for my Patreon. This allows me a steady flow of income so that I can focus on the work of creating sessions that help and heal those who need them. Members get access to extended sessions not available on YouTube or Spotify.
If it is in your means I would greatly appreciate any financial support you can offer.

There are two membership options which have similar tier structures and rewards. 
Thank you!

sleep phones

Support our Sponsor

The luxuriously soft headband, made of our exclusive SheepCloud™ fabrics, contains thin, padded removable speakers to play any type of music, audiobooks, meditation, white noise, or talk radio.
Willow Bend Zen gets a small commission when you make a purchase through this link at no additional cost to you. 

Thank you for supporting our sponsor!

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